FuzziBunz™ Features
Sturdy Snap Closures Make FuzziBunz the Hands-Down Cloth Diaper Winner!
FuzziBunz cloth diapers are one of the most durable cloth diapers. This award-winning patented pocket diaper is made with sturdy snap closures, which are made to last and require absolutely no maintenance. FuzziBunz diapers have no Velcro, so they won't fray, collect lint or snag your baby's clothes. FuzziBunz come in a variety of sweet and fun colors and in sizes x-small, small, medium, large and petite toddler, so they fit snugly on your baby without the added bulk that comes with most one-size diapers. Buy FuzziBunz today!

Coming soon in limited Medium sizes only ..selling ar MYR76.00 each