Monday, December 10, 2007

Wool Wash and etc...

Wool wash from Sheepish Grin ( will used Northern Essence wool wash when it arrives d: )

Water turns murky once it's washed..wool covers should be soaked approximately 30 mins..(in my case...i fell asleep while BF DD to sleep and it went as long as an hour...( honestly admitting it)..

The wool covers are in between the towel...i roll and unroll it loosely like a swiss roll too....(hungry again..)

Here is my swaddlebees merino (large) & Loveybums interlock cover (Medium)..waiting to dry up ..

Will post my lanolizing tip from Pam of Loveybums soon...

FYI- I usually do my washing at night, so it can dry up faster the next following day. Also depending on the unpredictable weather in KK...

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